Pacific Summary. 24 August 2016 - 26 August 2016

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Quake activity may increase.
Magnitude 6+ risk areas are Southern Chile, Santa Cruz Islands, Guadalcanal, Sumatra, Kyushu, South of Kyushu.
Volcanic activity may increase.
Sakurajuma, Kliuchevskoi, Sinabung, Villarica, Santiaguito, Fuego.
Note. This forecast is made after the Flores Sea 6.0 0739NZST.

Update. 25 August 0000NZST.
24 August. Flores Sea 6.0, Italy 6.2, Myanmar 6.8
The forecast period is extended to 25 August.
The Flores Sea 6.0 early today was just felt in distant Bali.
The quake marked the earlier than expected arrival of a new quake period.
A forecast was posted after the Flores Sea 6.0 for the remainder of the period.
The Central Italy 6.2 followed with destruction and loss of life.
The big Myanmar 6.8 was felt across Bangladesh, India, Thailand but apparently no major damage.
No volcano data available.

Update. 25 August 2200NZST.
25 August. Sumatra 5.8
The forecast period is extended to 26 August.
Kuril Islands are added to Mag 6+ risk areas.
Volcano risks are Kilauea, Santiaguito, Kliuchevskoi, Sinabung, Sakurajima.
The significant Sumatra 5.8 was the biggest global quake.
Quakes may become infrequent on 26 August.
Possibility Mag 7 Pacific. Mag 7 confidence=low.
The lava lake at Kilauea is rising fast and may overflow next few days.

Update. 26 August. 1200NZST.
26 August. South of Japan 5.9
Vanuatu is added to Magnitude 6 risk areas.
Fuego, Suwanose-jima are added to volcanoes.
The lava lake at Kilauea has suddenly dropped overnight but a quake swarm has also occurred so the situation is volatile.
Kyushu is a Pacific hotspot.

24 August. Flores Sea 6.0, Italy 6.2, Myanmar 6.8. Eruptions Santiaguito, Kliuchevskoi.
25 August. Sumatra 5.8. Eruption Sinabung.
26 August. South of Japan 5.9.
The Flores Sea 6.0 marked an earlier than expected arrival of the quake period.
A forecast was posted for the remainder of the period which turned out to be very active.
The Apennine 6.2 made big news and is a disaster zone.
The very big action was in the Western Pacific and Indonesia though.
The Myanmar 6.8 toppled thousand year old temples so had plenty of grunt. Luckily few lives were lost.
Quakes were dropping back by 25 August but the biggest were in forecast locations.
Strong volcanic eruptions at Sinabung, Santiaguito, Kliuchevskoi.
Japanese volcano Suwanose-jima got hot but no eruption. Sakurajima was quiet.
The lava lake at Kilauea rose fast, quakes swarmed, ground inflated and then it all went back down. (See volcano articles posted in Facebook/Roary Arbon)
More action at Kilauea and possibly big sister volcano Mauna Loa seems possible next few weeks or months.
A new quake and volcano period begins 30 August.

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